Although I always observe my little human and pay attention to his interests, last shelf rotation wasn’t a big hit in our house. The only thing he used every single day was a basket with letters. I still can’t believe that an 18-month-old child can be so obsessed with letters!
Shape sorter always led to frustration although it really did spark some interest. Other things somehow haven’t caught his attention this time. Let’s hope this rotation will have more luck.
Ikea wooden truck – how to simplify complex toy
On the top left shelf, we have the first part of the Ikea truck. This truck has a part for pulling and a part which serves as a shape sorter. Shape sorter did interest L in last rotation but maybe it was to complex for his level. That’s why I decided to put different shape sorter that is easier to use. I dismantled the Ikea truck and presented it as two different activities. With 80% of the non-Montessori toys we own that trick works. You can almost always dismantle a toy and present it as more different activities.
So now, on the top left shelf, we have pull activity. And on the bottom right shelf, we have shape sorting activity. Since my little human has yet to master shape sorting, I don’t want him to be distracted with pulling options.
Book pictures matching
On the top right shelf, we have a basket with few toys and a book with the same toys on the cover. Lately, L started to point on our couch, lamps, and table when he sees them in a book. That shows me he is ready to match real items with similar items in a book. This is the first time we are trying this so we will see how it goes.
Letters basket
On the bottom left shelf, we have a basket with alphabet letters. The only novelty here is letter E. My little human already recognizes and pronounces letters A, B, C, and D, so now we are learning letter E.
Craft sticks drop
Just below this basket, we have a basket with craft sticks drop activity. My little human can drop craft sticks into the empty water bottle. He really enjoys this activity but every time he forgets to hold the bottle while dropping sticks into it. When he tries to put a stick into the bottle and bottle knocks over he gets pretty frustrated. It always takes a few tries for him to remember how it works.