Happy Mommy Pose


Hi there! I am Nina!

Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. I am a mommy, engineer, and science geek.

I spend my days hanging out with my little human and working as a software engineer. Just until recently, I was a full-time stay-at-home mom so we are still adjusting to these big changes.

When we are together, we like to come up with new playing activities that encourage learning, especially in a STEM area. Also, we like to cook, clean, and dance together.

When I catch five minutes to myself I will spend them reading, writing, or doing yoga. Ok, I admit, occasionally I will watch an episode of “Vikings” on Netflix.

We started our Montessori journey when my little human turned one. At that time he started to show his strong-willed attitude and I was determined to find a way of parenting that wasn’t just me threatening him, bribing him, or bossing him around. Thankfully, I discovered Montessori and it was love at first sight. It resonated so well with us and we started incorporating it into our home the very next day.

Now, in our daily life, we combine Montessori with some positive discipline. At the same time, mommy is practicing mindfulness throughout the day and tries to analyze her feelings behind her every reaction. With this combination, we are witnessing some pretty cool changes happening in our lives. Of course, some days are better than others.

We created this place to share our journey and all the fun we are having while learning through a play in our Montesorish way.

And why do I say Montessorish? Because I believe that in order to make a change that will stick, you need to enjoy the process. Both you and your child. Changes can sometimes be overwhelming and one size doesn’t need to fit all. So we are taking it slow, one step at a time while figuring out what works best for our family.

Thank you for joining us on our journey! If you have any questions or you feel overwhelmed with all the Montessori information out there, feel free to contact me at [email protected].